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PRESS Anthology

Khadija Anderson
Jessica Baron
Jenifer Bartlett
Lindsey K. Boldt
Daniel Borzutzky
Jules Boykoff
Jais Brohinsky
Jen Burris
Jason Conger
Andrew Csank
Laura Elrick
Robert Gibbons
K. Lorraine Graham
Maryam Gunja
Daniel Y. Harris
Nicholas Alexander Hayes
Tung-Hui Hu
Nicholas Jackson
Shaun Johnson
Sarah Mangold
Meghan McNealy
Holly Melgard
Grant Miller & Nick Smith
Tom Orange
Jenny Paris-Cossu
Kristen Prevallet
Kate Robinson
Riva Roller
Kaia Sand
Leonard Schwartz
Alice Templeton
Nicky Tiso
Rodrigo Toscano
Mark Wallace
Larina Warnock
David Wolach



Wheelhouse Issue 9

Wheelhouse Magazine Issue 9 features essays plus poems by Rachel Zolf and Barbara Jane Reyes; poems by Tina Darragh, Ben Friedlander, Stephen Cope, Sara Larsen, David Brazil, CJ Martin, Michael Leong, Dorothee Lang, Karyn Eisler, Lawrence Eisler, Kathrin Schaeppi, Dana Teen Lomax, Heller Levinson, Donald Dunbar, Anne Gorrick, Cami Park, Paul Siegell, Donora Hillard, Sam Lohmann, Frances Raven, Jen Tynes, Maryam Gunja, Adam Fieled, Robert Mittenthal, William Allegrezzza, J. Townsend, Julian Brolaski and Brenda Iijima; and prose by Caleb Puckett and Maika Pollack. You can also navigate through the issue by using the tabs at the top of this page.

New & Forthcoming Chapbooks: Look out for chapbooks soon forthcoming by Stan Apps, Elizabeth Kate Switaj, James Maugn, Eileen Tabios, Laura Carter, Felino Soriano, and Geoffrey Gatza. In the meantime, we're thrilled to announce the publication of poet Uche Nduka's new chapbook, Tracers. Now available through Wheelhouse Press as a freely downloadable-ebook, Tracers was designed and typeset by Wheelhouse editor Kate Robinson, with cover-image designed by Spartaco Margioni.  We're extremely honored to feature Nduka's new work here, as well as on Good Reads.  Enjoy. Uche Nduka was born and brought up in Nigeria. His books include Flower Child (1988), Second Act (1994), The Bremen Poems (1995), Chiaroscuro (which won the Association of Nigerian Authors Poetry Prize for 1997), If Only TheNight (2003), Heart’s Field (2005) and eel on reef (2007). Nduka has lived in Holland and Germany. He presently lives and works in New York City.

Million Writers Award: Wheelhouse Magazine contributor Summer Block won the 2010 Million Writers Award, 1st Prize Overall, for her prose piece "Hospitality" (Issue No. 8). Many thanks to Jason Sanford, the judges, and Story South, for nominating the story as one of their top ten of the web of 2009, and to readers for voting for Summer's piece as their top pick.

Wheelhouse Editor David Wolach's new book of poems, Occultations, now out from Black Radish Books and available through SPD, reviewed in Jacket 40 by Matthew Landis. Please help support small presses by visiting SPD today.

PRESS Review & Interview: Check out the review of the 2009 PRESS: Activism & The Avant-Garde Anthology! Review, plus an interview with co-editor David Wolach appeared in the recent Prick of the Spindle. By Eric Weinstein.

PRESS slideshow courtesy of Tom Orange.

Visit the PRESS/Wheelhouse Letterpress Store: Letterpress chapbooks, coasters and bookmarks! Contact us for Shaun Johnson's photographic prints.

All Wheelhouse Magazine & Press chapbooks and back issues now available at Good Reads.

As always, for information on Wheelhouse, work by contributors, as well as news, reviews and political action alerts, visit our blog.


Sous la Terre, by Spartaco Margioni