David Wolach point [ editor's note ]

Khadija Anderson point [ untitled ]

Jessica Baron point [ Embodiment: Reaching Inside Our Readers ]

Jenifer Bartlett point [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

Lindsey K. Boldt point [ Vice ] [ Palm to Palm ] [ Color Sandwich 3 ]

Daniel Borzutzky point [ The Synchronous Aspect of the Bitter Folly ] [ Neighborhood Poem ]

Jules Boykoff point [ An Arrow of Geese Flapping Forward ] [ Poverty is Not Pornography ] [ Hope Is a Full-Time Job ]

Jais Brohinsky point [ Roosevelt Elementary ]

Jen Burris point [ HEIFER ] [ LOVE AND HAPPINESS ]

Jason Conger point [ Hole in the Sky ] [ Monster Man Synonym ] [ Mother's Day Mashup ]

Andrew Csank point [ Ocean Shores: ] [ Theory looks like Friday from a distance ]

Laura Elrick point [ Corpus ]

Robert Gibbons point [ I Savored Time ] [ On the Edge ]

K. Lorraine Graham point [ The Dictums of Nature ]

Maryam Gunja point [ untitled 1 ] [ untitled 2 ]

Daniel Y. Harris point [ Thade The Dystopian ]

Nicholas Alexander Hayes point [ anon seeks ] [ Loneliness and Identity: A Critical Reading of Craigslist Men Seeking Men Ads ]


Nicholas Jackson point [ untitled ]

Shaun Johnson point [ PRESS literary conference photos ]

Lionel Lints point [ Writing and Politics ] [ Hybrid Writing ]

Sarah Mangold point [ From What Are Phenomena Rescued ] [ Enthusiasms and Execrations ]

Meghan McNealy point [ excerpts from Combinatorics Theater ]

Holly Melgard point [ Conversely ] (mp3 file)

Grant Miller & Nick Smith point [ Subtle Revolutions Explicit Directions ]

Tom Orange point [ Scenes from the New Dispensation ] [ PRESS literary conference photos ]

Jenny Paris-Cossu point [ Life After High School. Death Before College. ]

Kristin Prevallet point [ String Tracks ]

Kate Robinson point [ woman embedded ]

Riva Roller point [ dot-line ]

Kaia Sand point [ REMEMBER TO WAVE: a poetry walk ] The map included in Wheelhouse is part of her book, Remember to Wave, forthcoming with Tinfish Press.

Leonard Schwartz point [ Lament ]

Alice Templeton point [ The Milgram Experiment ]

Nicky Tiso point [ FLESH TEXT]

Rodrigo Toscano point [ Strikes & Orgies ] [ Exchanges 2009: a read n' shout poem ]

Mark Wallace point [ from Party In My Body ]

Larina Warnock point [ Not Broken ]

David Wolach point [ from Occultations ] [ from Prefab Eulogies ] [ from Hospitalogy ]

PRESS Contributor Bios