
Issue 8, Summer/Autumn 2009


Scaffold 28, 29, 30 by Joel Chace


owned                                          as much                                          as raised against


as much                            own                            ribcage as                            metal maze



the work                                          itself                                          the ugly fact—


new phrases see                                                                                                 and beautiful



hypotheses slay                                          (re)dream                                          become


this                           object                            climbable                            recalcitrant



as chompers                                          bones                                          confessionals  


and monkey bars                                                                            no more (landings) stuck






tattered coat                                          flying                                            more than forlorn


fled                            as much as torn                            h(a)rp                            more



than ease                     call(ed)       --       er(r)                     perch                     and the wide  

smile (made of)           twist(ed)              (w)ires              (f)lips              kisses



and gin                                pitch(ings)                     tent                      risible trap


greatest mobile of please                                          please                                          please



beyond all                            all                            negotiations                            lacks


(be)longing’s                                                                                     backyard hive and map





(in)specters                                      (a) life’s                                simulacra       --      


aerie                              tangle                              briar patch                   trellis



covered with collectible rain                                                             grained


refusals                                                                               with their lofty abacus



bone ladders                                         ribboned rags                                   of the heart


fluttering high-wire art                                                                                       laughter



in the (ending)                         rafters                          what is                              more


than like                                                    what is (likely)                             at the end


