Issue 5, Winter 2008

The earth has changed gears
by Skip Fox

quickens in its descent, speeds to its end with greater dis-
patch, more certainty, to something before knowing, not
to mention what, before domestication of the senses, the
sheer fashion of existence, that changes everything, down
to our socks, and all our memories gone, what winds will
blow through us in bottomless oblivion?, what darling
reservations will we have?, what appointments?, dire
connections?  If they tore out the phone, our ears would
bleed. We need a little hell to warm us, provide comfort
in the justice of continuity for each of them, or one, or
for you, yourself, as the earth has noticeably quickened
in its descent toward you know not what, but I'll make
book it ain't hot, so what is there to do for it but drink a
little wine at night, wake up, smoke & write all morning?